furnish to said clerk a record book, to be called the "Cider license
record," and in said license record the following oath shall be legibly
written or printed : you do swear (or affirm) that you will not buy
for sale or sell within the bounds of any election district of Dor-
chester county where the sale of alcoholic liquors is unlawful dur-
ing the time for which you hold a license to sell apple cider, any
cider except apple cider, made in said county, from fruit grown or
produced therein; that you will not adulterate any apple cider, that
you may sell or keep for sale by mixing therewith any alcohol or
alcoholic liquors or by affecting it with any drug whatever, and
that you will not procure such adulteration by or through any
one else, that you will not sell or keep for sale any cider which
you know or have good reason to believe, has been adulterated by
mixing therewith such alcohol or alcoholic liquor or by affecting
the same with any such drug, and that you will not sell or keep
on your premises for sale, and that you will not allow any of your
clerks or agents to sell, during the time for which you hold your
license to sell apple cider, any spirituous or fermented liquor or
drink, which it is unlawful to sell; the said clerk after previously
reading over the said affidavit to each applicant, shall administer
said oath to him, before granting said license, said oath shall be
printed on the back of each license, and the said clerk shall write
under said oath on said license the following or the like words :
the above oath (or affirmation) taken by —— on the —— day of
—— , A. D. ——; said clerk shall sign his name to said memo-
randum; each person applying for a license shall sign his name
in the license book, and the said clerk shall make the following
or like memorandum under the applicants name, —— cider license
number —— , issued to (if to a firm all the members should be
named) for election district number —— , of Dorchester county,
to operate from the day of —— , A. D. —— , to the —— day of
—— , A. D . —— , signed, —— clerk; the person desiring a license
must apply therefor, and if a firm desires the same, a member
thereof must apply; and no such license shall be granted to any
club or corporation, and no license shall authorize such sale in
but one place specified therein.
SUB-SEC. 6. The producer of the fruit or the maker of such
apple cider may sell the same on the premises where the cider
Sell on
was made or the fruit was produced in quantities not less than
one gallon at one time, and he may sell and deliver the same off
Lis premises in quantities not less than five gallons, and such
producer or maker shall not be required to take out said license
for such sales.
SUB-SEC. 7. The sheriff of said county and any constable or
police officer thereof may require any person or firm engaged in
the sale of cider, other than the producer of the fruit or the
maker of the cider, selling in quantities as set forth in sub-section