and one half feet to a stone; thence north sixty -five degrees,
west ninety-five and seven-tenths feet to a stone; thence north
sixty-seven degrees, west three hundred and sixteen and eight-
tenths feet to a stone; thence north twenty-eight and one-fourth
degrees, west six hundred and seventeen and four tenths feet to
a stone; thence south fifty-seven and one-fourth degrees, west
fifteen hundred and sixty-five feet to a stone; thence north fifty-
one and three-fourth degrees, west nine hundred and eighty feet
to a stone; thence north eleven and one-half degrees, west thir-
teen hundred and eighteen feet to a stone; thence north thirty-
seven and one-half degrees, west six hundred and eighty-one feet
to a stone; thence north sixty-six degrees, west fifteen hundred
and fifteen feet to a stone; thence north fifty-three and one-half
degrees, west five hundred and fifty-eight feet to a stone; thence
north forty-four and one-half degrees, west three hundred and
thirty-seven feet to a stone in the southeast line of the Berlin
road; thence crossing said Berlin road and the farm owned by
Daniel Shafer, north fifty-five and one- half degrees, west seven-
teen hundred and twenty feet to intersect the line between the
property now owned by Daniel Shafer and the property of the
C. P. AVenner estate; thence with said line south twenty-one
degrees fifty-five minutes, west twenty-eight hundred and fifty -six
feet to a stone; thence with a line between the property of the
C. P. Wenner estate and the property now owned by Wm. W.
Weems, south twenty-four degrees twenty minutes, west and con-
tinuing same until it intersects the Maryland State line; thence
southeasterly binding on the Maryland State line until it inter-
sects a line drawn south twenty-one and one-fourth degrees, west
from the beginning; and thence reversing said line so drawn and
binding thereon north twenty-one and one-fourth degrees, west
to the place of beginning.
SEC. 3. The citizens of said town of the age of twenty-one years
and upwards, who have resided in said town for four months
previous to any election, shall, on the first Monday in August,
eighteen hundred and ninety, and every two years thereafter, on
the same day, at such place as shall be designated by the council,
between the hours of twelve o'clock at noon and six thirty o'clock
in the evening, elect one person at least thirty years of age mayor
of said town, and four persons not less than twenty-five years of
age councilmen of said town of Brunswick, who, together with
the mayor, shall constitute the council, all of whom shall be resi-
dents of said town at the time of their election, and they shall
receive no pay for their services; provided, the place of holding
the first election under this charter shall be designated by the
county commissioners for Frederick county, who shall also appoint
the judges and clerks of said election; the judges and clerks of
all subsequent elections shall be appointed by the council to be
elected under this charter.