AN ACT to incorporate the town of Brunswick, in Frederick
SECTION 1.Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the inhabitants of the village of Berlin, and its vicinity in
Frederick county, are a body corporate by the name of the "mayor
and council of Brunswick," and by that name may have perpetual
succession, sue and be sued, and have and use a common seal.
SEC. 2. The limits of the said town of Brunswick begin at a
stone planted at the northeast corner of a culvert under the
Chesapeake and Ohio canal, said place of beginning being at the
end of the thirteenth line of a tract of land conveyed to the real
estate and improvement company of Baltimore city by Mary
Gertrude Orrison, by deed dated December seventh, eighteen
hundred and eighty-nine, and recorded among the land records
of Frederick county, in liber W. I. P., number nine, folio five
hundred and eighty-six, &c., and running thence with and bind-
ing reversely on the lines of the above mentioned conveyance the
following courses and distances, to wit: north tvventy-one and
one-fourth degrees, east six hundred and fifty-one and three-
fourths feet to a stone; thence north two and one-fourth degrees,
east six hundred and sixty feet to a stone; thence north one and
one-fourth degrees, east one hundred and seventy-three and one
fourth feet to a stone; thence north fifteen and three-fourths
degrees, east two thousand one hundred and twenty-eight and
one-half feet to a stone planted in center of a lane leading to the
property owned by John Frazier, said stone being also planted
at a corner of -said Frazier's property; thence with the center
of said lane north thirty-eight and one-fourth degrees west
ten hundred and eighty-nine feet to a stone planted in the road
leading from Parker's mill to the village of Berlin; thence with
said road north thirty-four degrees, east one hundred and fifteen