AN ACT to provide for a full investigation into the accounts of
Stevenson Archer, State treasurer, by the joint committee on
the part of the senate and house of delegates during the recess
of the general assembly, and appropriating a sum of money to
pay the expenses of said joint committee, and a proper compen-
sation to them while engaged in their said work of investiga-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the joint committee heretofore appointed by the general
assembly to take into consideration the recent special message of
the governor in relation to the accounts of State treasurer, Steven-
son Archer, viz : John P. Poe and John Walter Smith on the part
of the senate, and Frank T. Shaw, Philip D. Laird and William
C. Harden on the part of the house, be and they are hereby au-
thorized, empowered and directed to make a full investigation
into the accounts of Stevenson Archer, State treasurer, and of the
To con-
tinue in-
manner in which he has conducted the affairs of his office, and to
continue such investigation after the adjournment of the general
assembly until such time as such investigation is fully completed,
and to the end that such investigation may be thorough and com-
plete, said joint committee is hereby authorized to summon and
examine witnesses under oath, and to compel their attendance,
and to call for and compel the production of books, papers and
documents, and generally to take such steps as in their judgment
shall be necessary and proper, to ascertain the true condition of
the accounts of the treasurer; the meetings of said joint commit-
tee shall be open to the public Avhenever any testimony is taken,
and so far as is practicable all the proceedings of said committee
shall be open to the inspection of the public.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said committee be and they
are hereby instructed, that whenever they are satisfied upon the
evidence before them, that the said treasurer has been guilty of
To prefer
malfeasance in office, or misappropriation of the funds of the
State, (should the legislature then not be in session,) they shall
forthwith, and without waiting to conclude their investigation as
to the extent thereof, prefer charges of such malfeasance or mis-
appropriation against the said treasurer to the governor, to the
end that the governor may proceed to execute the power lodged
with him by section six, of article six, of the constitution of the
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That upon the completion of their
said work of investigation, they shall make a full and detailed re-
port thereof to the governor, with such recommendations as they
shall deem proper.