dated December twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-four,
and recorded among the land records of Baltimore county, now
To acqui-
city, in liber T. K., number three hundred and forty-eight, folio
three hundred and thirty-two.
Fifty-first. To the legacies of Joshua Toms to the trustees of
Benevola chapel of the united brethren of Christ, at Benevola,
To lega-
Washington county, Maryland, one thousand dollars; will re-
corded liber H., folio seventy-eight, &c.
Fifty-second. To the legacies of Mary Toms to the trustees of St.
Matthew 's Lutheran church at Beaver creek, in Washington county,
To legacies
Maryland, one thousand dollars; to the home frontier and foreign
missionary society of the united brethren in Christ, one hundred
Fifty-third. Mary Toms to Maryland conference of the United
brethren in Christ, five hundred dollars; to Washington county
To gift.
home for orphans and friendless children, one hundred dollars.
Fifty-fourth. Mary Toms to preachers' aid society of the Mary-
land conference of the United brethren in Christ, one hundred
To gift.
dollars; ,vill recorded liber H., folio eighty-two, &c.
Fifty-fifth. To the bequest to the trustees of union methodist
episcopal church of Cecil county, Maryland, contained in the
To bequest
last will and testament of George C. Weaver, deceased.
Fifty-sixth. To the bequest contained in the last will and tes-
tament of Samuel Keedy to the consistory of the reformed church
To bequest
of Keedysville.
Fifty-seventh. To the bequest of Thomas c. Bosley to the meth-
odist preachers' aid society of Baltimore.
To bequest
Fifty-eighth. To the bequest of the late Jerome C. Berry, of
Howard county, to St. Mary's catholic church at Laurel, Prince
To bequest
George's county, Maryland, as per will recorded among the will
records of said Howard county.
SEC. 2 And be it enacted, That the sanction of the General
Assembly of Maryland is hereby given and granted to the acqui-
sition by the several religious sects, orders and denominations
above named at any time hereafter whether by gift, grant or
devise of the fee-simple title to the lots above mentioned in which
they are respectively entitled to a leasehold interest, by virtue of
the several deeds above mentioned, and by virtue of the sanction
heretofore given by the first section of this act.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.