aforesaid shall have or exercise any corporate powers until the first
instalment of said bonus has been paid to the State treasurer ;
whenever the capital stock of any of said companies, or any com-
pany of the like character heretofore incorporated shall be in-
creased, a bonus of one-sixth of one per centum upon the amount
of said increase, shall be paid to the State treasurer in two equal
instalments, the first to be due and payable upon the recording of
the certificate of such increase, or upon the passage of any special
act authorizing such increase, and the second instalment shall be
due and payable one year thereafter.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.
AN ACT to create a new election district in Garrett county to
be known as Bittinger district, or the twelfth election district
of Garrett county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ty the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a new election district be formed and laid out of portions
of the first, third, fourth and fifth election districts of Garrett
county to be known as Bittinger district, or the twelfth election
district of Garrett county, whose metes and bounds shall be as
-follows: Beginning at the ridge road where it intersects the
meadow mountain road at Mary Otto's; then with ridge road by
way of Yommer's mill to the Grantsville road at Benedict
New dis-
Beachey's; then to top of Negro mountain by Eushe's mill, and
John Spikers former place; then with the top of said mountain
to the county road leading from John Harman's to the town of
Accident; then with said road to upper end of John Harman's
farm; then to the forks of the Oakland and Swanton road on
east side of the mountain by way of Jeremiah Burst's; then to
head of north branch of middle fork at Buck Mason's; then
with said north fork to the mouth of Black Hawk, at Stemple'a
mill seat; then to mouth of Monroe's run by way of Oharer's.
mill; then to James Resh's in back woods; then to Horse pond
run by way of Ashford Warnick's at old lumber camp near
Perry Broadwater's; then with said run to the beginning at.
Mary Otto's.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the voting place or polls in
said district shall be at or near the village of Bittinger.
Shall ap-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the governor shall appoint one
justice of the peace and one register of voters for the said new dis-