collections made, tut shall be paid him by check as other claims
are paid and from time to time as such salaries and fees be earned,
and in no other manner; commissions on uncollected taxes turned
over to his successor in office shall not be allowed him, but shall
be allowed to the person who collects the same.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the following new section be
and it is hereby added to said sub-title to come in after section
To add
two hundred and thirty-six, and to be designated as ''Section two
hundred and thirty-six A."
SEC. 236 A. It shall be the duty of the treasurer and he is
hereby directed to receive from any person or corporate institu-
tion, from time to time, partial payments of the taxes due by
them to the amount of not less than five dollars until the full
amount of the taxes due by them are paid as hereinbefore pro-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.
AN ACT to add a new section to article eighty-one, of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Revenues and taxes," sub-title
of taxes by corporations," providing for the pay-
ment by every newly created company of a bonus on its capital
stock for the use of the State, to come in after section eighty-
eight, and to be designated as " Section eighty-eight A."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the following new section be and the same is hereby added
to article eighty-one, of the Code of Public General Laws, title
To add.
" Revenue and taxes," sub-title " Payment of taxes by corpora-
tions," to be designated as " Section eighty-eight A."
88 A. Every corporation incorporated since January first,
eighteen hundred and ninety, under any general or special law of
this State, except cemetery companies, incorporated for religious
or purely charitable and benevolent, and railroad companies shall
pay to the State treasurer, for the use of this State, a bonus of
one-eighth of one per centum upon the amount of capital stock
which said company is authorized to have, in two equal instal-
ments, and a like bonus upon any subsequent increase thereof ;
the first instalment shall be due and payable upon the incorpo-
ration of said company, or the increase of the capital thereof, and
Pay a
the second instalment one year thereafter; and no company as