and Abraham Simon and wife to the said Abraham Greenspon,
dated the first day of August, in the year one thousand eight
hundred and eighty-nine, and recorded among the land records
of Baltimore county, in liber J. W. S., number one hundred and
seventy-six, folio two hundred and fifty-five, &c.
Fourth. To the sale and grant by Abraham Greenspon to the
trustee of the aushe emunah Hebrew congregation of Baltimore
city, a body corporate of the city of Baltimore, in the State of
Maryland, of all his right, title and interest in the property des-
To a grant
cribed in a deed from the trustees of the aitz chaine Hebrew
congregation of Baltimore city, and Isaac Greenbaum and wife,
and Abraham Simon and wife to the said Abraham Greenspon,
dated the first day of August, in the year one thousand eight
hundred and eighty-nine, and recorded among the land records
of Baltimore county, in liber J. W. S., number one hundred and
seventy-six, folio two hundred and fifty-five, &c.
Fifth. To the sale and grant by Isaac Greenbaum and wife and
Abraham Simon and wife to the trustees of the aitz chaine Hebrew
congregation of Baltimore city, a body corporate of the city of
To a grant
Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, of all their right, title and
interest to the property described in a deed from John Doniecki
and Anna Doniecki, his wife and the aitz chaine Hebrew congre-
gation of Baltimore city to the said Isaac Greenbaum and Abra-
ham Simon, dated the twenty-sixth day of July, in the year one
thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, and recorded among the
land records of Baltimore county, in liber J. W. S., number one
hundred and seventy-six, folio two hundred and forty-nine, &c.
Sixth. To the sale and grant by Isaac Greenbaum and wife and
Abraham Simon and wife to the trustees of aitz chaine Hebrew
To a grant
congregation of Baltimore city, a body corporate of the city of
Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, of all their rights, title and
interest to the property described in a deed from John Doniecki
and Anna Doniecki, his wife and the aitz chaine Hebrew congre-
gation of Baltimore city to the said Isaac Greenbaum and Abra-
ham Simon, dated the twenty-sixth day of July, in the year one
thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, and recorded among the
land records of Baltimore county, in liber J. W. S., number one
hundred and seventy-six, folio two hundred and forty-nine, &c.
Seventh. To the sale of Conrad Lerp to the trustees of the
To a grant
sailors' methodist episcopal bethel church of Baltimore city, a
body corporate, of certain property on the south side of Hill street,
in the city of Baltimore, and fully described in a deed from said
Conrad Lerp to the said body corporate, dated the thirtieth day of
March, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore city, in liber G. R., number
three hundred and seventy, folio four hundred and eight, &c.
Eighth. To the sale of Adelbert Sliwa to the trustees of the