sailors' methodist episcopal bethel church of Baltimore city, a
body corporate, of certain property on the south side of Hill street,
in the city of Baltimore, and fully described in a deed from said
To a sale.
Adelbert Sliwa to the said body corporate, dated the thirtieth day
of March, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore city, in liber G. E., number
three hundred and seventy, folio four hundred and eight, &c.
Ninth. To the sale and conveyance of Leander M. Zimmerman
and John M. Hurmann to the Christ English evangelical Lutheran
church of Baltimore city, Maryland, a body corporate, of certain
property on the south side of Hill street, in the city of Baltimore,
To a sale.
and fully described in a deed from said Leander M. Zimmerman
and John M. Hurmann to said body corporate, dated the fifteenth
day of February, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and
recorded among the land records of Baltimore city, in liber J. B.,
number twelve hundred and twenty-eight, folio one hundred
and ninety-three, &c.
Tenth. To the demise from Hurmann H. Ahrling and wife to
Gustavus A. Dobler, and the assignment by said Gustavus A.
Dobler to the St. Peter's evangelical Lutheran congregation of
Baltimore city, a body corporate, of certain property at the south-
east corner of Fayette and East streets, fully described in the lease '
To a de-
from said Hurmann H. Ahrling and wife unto the said Gustavus
A. Dobler, dated the eighteenth day of January, A. D. eighteen
hundred and seventy-five, andrecorded among the land records of
Baltimore city, in liber G. R., number six hundred and eighty-
.aeven, folio three hundred and fifty-seven, &c.; and in the assign-
ment of the same property from said Gustavus A. Dobler to the
said body corporate, dated the twenty-third day of August, A. D.
eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and recorded among the land
records of Baltimore city, in liber G. E., number seven hundred
and eleven, folio five hundred and fifty-eight, &c.
Eleventh. To the sale by Charles Spilman to the St. Peter's
evangelical Lutheran congregation of Baltimore city, a body cor-
porate, of certain property on the south side of Payette street, in
the city of Baltimore, and fully described in a deed from said
To a sale.
Charles Spilman to said body corporate, dated the sixth day of
October, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore city, in liber F. A. P., num-
ber nine hundred and ten, folio four hundred and forty-nine, &c.
Twelfth. To the demise by Wilhelmina Becker to the St. Luke's
evangelical Lutheran church of Woodberry, in Baltimore county,
Maryland, of certain property in Baltimore city at the northeast
To a de-
corner of Chestnut avenue and third avenue in the city of Balti-
more, (formerly in the village of Hampden,) fully described in
the lease from said Wilhelmina Becker unto said body corporate,
dated the thirtieth day of December, A. D. eighteen hundred and