AN ACT to authorize the county commissioners of Queen Anne's
county and the county commissioners of Kent county, to make
rules and regulations for the use, by the public, of bridges be-
longing jointly to said counties.
SECTION 1. And be it enacted ly the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the county commissioners of Queen Anne's county, and
To make
the county commissioners of Kent county, a majority of each board
of said commissioners concurring, shall have full power and au-
thority to make reasonable rules and regulations for the use, by
the public, of all bridges which are the joint property of the said
counties of Kent and Queen Anne's county, and for the protection
of said bridges and other property belonging thereto or there-
with, and to enforce the observance of said rules and regulations
thus made, by imposing upon the party violating said rules and
regulations, any reasonable fine, not exceeding ten dollars, for any
violation of said rules and regulations, which fines shall be col-
lected as small debts are now collected, and shall be recovered in
the name of the county commissioners of said counties before any
justice of the peace of either of said counties in which the party
violating such rules and regulations shall be found, and on failure
or refusal to pay any fine imposed under this law, or inability to
collect the same by legal process, the party so fined may be com-
mitted to the county jail of the county for a period not exceeding
ten days, in the same manner as commitments are made for fines
imposed by the circuit courts of this State on conviction for mis-
demeanors, and the justice of the peace shall make this a part of
his judgment, and said fines shall be applied to the keeping of said
bridges in repair.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.