AN ACT to enlarge and extend the powers and franchises of the
Workingmen's building and loan association of St. Michaels,
Talbot county, so as to enable it to make loans on promissory
notes and to purchase evidences of debt.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the powers and franchises of the Workingmen's building and
loan association of St. Michaels, Talbot county, a body corporate
duly incorporated under the general incorporation laws of the
State of Maryland, be and the same are hereby enlarged and ex-
tended so as to authorize and permit said corporate body to make
To extend
loans of unemployed funds or moneys to its members or other per-
sons on promissory notes, with a clause embodied in the same for
the payment of attorney's commissions of collection in case of
default of payment, to be accompanied with personal security or
endorsement, or with collateral security if desired, or both, and
with any unemployed funds or moneys to purchase bonds, notes,
accounts, orders and other evidences of debt; provided, that said
corporate body before it shall exercise any of the powers and fran-
chises herein enumerated, in addition to the other taxes to which
it is now or shall be hereafter liable, shall obtain from the clerk
of the circuit court for Talbot county, who is hereby authorized
to issue the same as in individual cases, a bill broker's license as
is now or shall hereafter be provided by law.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1890.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments chapter twenty-
nine, of the acts of eighteen hundred and eighty, continuing
the corporate existence of the Chesapeake bank.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly cf Maryland,
That chapter twenty-nine, of the acts of eighteen hundred and
eighty is hereby repealed, amended and re-enacted so as to read
as follows :
SEC. 2. That the Chesapeake bank a corporation duly incor-
porated by an act of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed
at its December session of the year eighteen hundred and thirty-
five, chapter three hundred and thirteen, be and the same is
hereby continued in existence as a corporation for the term of