of said act did provide to have said monument erected and have
made a report of their proceedings and work to the governor,
which report contains valuable historical information which it is
desirable to perpetuate in print; and
WHEREAS, the cavalry detachment of the Purnell legion, a
Maryland organization, also participated in said battle, but by in-
advertence was omitted from the provisions of said act, and it
being eminently proper that its position on said battlefield should
also be suitable marked; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners heretofore appointed under the provisions
of said act of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, chapter one
hundred and eighteen, be and they are hereby authorized and
directed to proceed to have erected upon the Gettysburg battle-
field, a suitable memorial tablet or monument to mark the position
occupied by the said cavalry detachment of the Purnell legion in
the said battle, and that they proceed in the same manner and
with the same authority prescribed in the said act of eighteen
hundred and eighty-eight, chapter one hundred and eighteen to
which this is a supplement.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners when
they shall have completed their labors under this supplementary
act shall make a full report thereof to the governor, and appro-
priately incorporate the same with the report heretofore submitted,
and that said commissioners be and they are hereby authorized
to expend not more than five hundred dollars of the amount here-
inafter appropriated, in having said report printed, one hundred
copies of which shall be delivered to the State librarian for dis-
position as the governor may direct, and the balance shall be dis-
tributed by said commissioners.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the sum of sixteen hundred
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be. and the same
is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not other-
wise appropriated, to pay the cost of said additional monument,
and the expenses necessarily incurred in the selection of the site
therefor and the erection thereof, and the printing of said report,
and when said tablet or monument shall be completed and properly
erected and said report shall be printed and ready for delivery.
the said commissioners, or majority of them, shall certify the
same to the comptroller of the treasury who shall upon proper
vouchers draw his warrant upon the treasurer of the State for the
amount or amounts required to pay for said monument and ex-
penses and said printing not exceeding in all the said sum of six-
teen hundred dollars.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from the
date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.