may seem proper; and before actually opening, widening or alter-
ing any street, lane or alley, the said commissioners shall pay, or
tender to the person, his agent, guardian or representative, the
amount of damage so awarded; and if any person shall feel ag-
grieved by the determination of the said eo umissioners in rati-
fying or rejecting said return, either as to damages or benefits, or
in any matter relating to the same, he, she, or they may appeal
within thirty days from said ratification or rejection to the cir-
cuit court for Wicomico county, and said court or a jury may in-
crease or decrease the amount of damage or benefits so awarded,
and award costs in its discretion, and said judgment shall be final ;
and it shall be the duty of the said commissioners to cause the
papers connected therewith to be delivered to the clerk of said
county, on petition in writing, of any party feeling aggrieved; and
the persons appointed to assess the damages as aforesaid, shall re-
ceive such compensation as the commissioners of said town shall
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.
AN ACT supplementary to an act passed by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland at the January session of eighteen, hundred
and eighty-eight, chapter one hundred and eighteen, sub-titled
an act to provide for the erection of memorial tablets or monu-
ments to suitably mark the position occupied by the various
Maryland organizations serving with the army of the Potomac
on the battlefield of Gettysburg, in the battle of Gettysburg,
and to make a suitable appropriation therefor.
WHEREAS, by the act of the General Assembly of Maryland,
passed at the January session of eighteen hundred and eighty-
eight, chapter one hundred and eighteen, the governor was author-
ized to appoint commissioners to erect upon the battlefield of
Gettysburg, suitable monuments to mark the position occupied
by the Maryland commands that participated in said battle, viz :
the first regiment of Eastern shore infantry, the first regiment of
Potomac home brigade infantry, the third regiment of Maryland
infantry, the first regiment of Maryland cavalry and Eigley battery
A, first Maryland artillery, United States volunteers; and
WHEREAS, the commissioners appointed under the provisions