AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to pay Doctor Charles
Combs of St. Mary's county for medical services rendered to
sailors wounded by State police force.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the comptroller of the treasury be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to draw his warrant upon the treasurer for the pay-
To pay.
ment of twenty-five dollars to Doctor Charles Combs of St. Mary's
county for medical services rendered to I. W. Johnson and Theo-
dore Taylor, both wounded prisoners on board the police sloop
"Katie Hines."
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1890.
AN ACT to build and establish a. free bridge over Tuckahoe
river, formerly Tuckahoe creek, at or near Horsey's landing, in
Caroline county, and to provide for free travel between Care-
line and Talbot counties.
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the county commissioners of Caroline and Talbot counties
be and they are hereby authorized and directed to build a sub-
stantial bridge over said river or creek, from some suitable point
on the Caroline county shore, at or near Horsey's landing, to a
convenient and practicable point on the Talbot county shore, the
position to be determined by the county commissioners of the two
To build a
counties, the object being to so locate the bridge as to connect in
the most direct and practicable manner the public road leading from
Denton to Harris' chapel, in Caroline county, with the public
road leading from Matthews to Todd's landing, in Talbot county,
and the said county commissioners of Caroline and Talbot coun-
ties are hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by inqui-
sition, purchase or otherwise, all the lands and materials neces-
sary for the construction of the said bridge and its abutments, for
the convenience of public travel, and said bridge when built, shall
be maintained and kept in proper repair by the said counties as a
free bridge; provided, however, that the entire cost to the said
counties of Caroline and Talbot of the said bridge and abutments,
together with the cost of the necessary lands leading to and from
the same, to the fast land on either side, shall not exceed in the
aggregate the sum of four thousand dollars.