AN ACT to repeal an act passed by the January session of eigh-
teen hundred and seventy, chapter four hundred and sixty- six,
entitled an act to distribute the academic and high school fund
of Carroll county to the "Western Maryland college and Man-
chester academy, in Carroll county, and to re-enact the same
with amendments.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland, by chapter four
hundred and sixty-six, of the laws passed at the January session
of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled an act to distribute the
academic and high school fund of Carroll county to the Western
Maryland college and Manchester academy, in Carroll county, pro-
Pre am Wet
vided that there should be paid to the board of trustees of Man-
chester academy, in each and every year thereafter, the sum of
one hundred and ten dollars to the academic and high school
fund of Carroll county, on condition that the same Manchester
academy should receive and give tuition, free of charge, to at least
one scholar in each scholastic year, to be appointed by the board
of school commissioners of said county; and,
WHEREAS, The said Manchester academy has failed to comply
with said condition since the year eighteen hundred and seventy,
and has not been in successful operation since that time, and is
not now in operation, whereby default has been made in the pay-
ments provided for in said act of the General Assembly; and,
WHEREAS, There is in consequence of said default in the State
treasury, the annual allowance to said academy for twenty years,
amounting to the sum of twenty-two hundred dollars; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of Maryland,
The act passed at the January session, in eighteen hundred and
seventy, entitled an act to distribute the academic and high school
fund of Carroll county to the Western Maryland college and Man-
chester academy, in Carroll county, be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted, so as to read as follows :
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the comptroller of the treasury
be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant
on the treasurer, in favor of the board of county school commis-
sioners of Carroll county, for the sum of twenty-two hundred
To pay
dollars, the accumulation of the annual allowance of said Man-
chester academy, and in each and every year hereafter, to pay to the
said board of county school commissioners the sum of two hun-
dred dollars, and to the board of trustees of the Western Mary-
land college the sum of one thousand dollars, said payments to be
made on the first day of April, in each and every year.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said board of county school