AN ACT to legalize and make valid and effectual the acts of
Laurence P. Ashton, a justice of the peace of the State of Mary-
land, in Easton district number six of Dorchester county, who
was appointed May the twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and
eighty-eight, and who after resigning continued to perform the
duties of said office- until he again qualified June the sixth,
eighteen hundred and eighty-nine.
WHEREAS, Laurence P. Ashton, esq., was duly appointed and
commissioned by the governor of the State of Maryland, a justice
of the peace of the said State, in the sixth election district of
Dorchester county; and,
WHEREAS, the said Laurence P. Ashton did, before the expira-
tion of his term of appointment, resign the office of justice of
the peace, but after resigning continued to perform certain acts
as of his office, under the impression and belief, and all those in-
terested in said acts being under the impression and belief, that
the acts of the said Laurence P. Ashton were valid and effectual
until he again qualified June the sixth, eighteen hundred and
eighty-nine, under his reappointment of May the twenty-third,
eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, but as the validity of such
acts have by some persons been questioned; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all the acts of Laurence P. Ashton, done and performed in
the capacity of, or as a justice of the peace of the State of Mary-
land, in and for Dorchester county, after resigning January the
seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, until he again quali-
fied June the sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, under a
To make
commission from the governor of the State of Maryland, issued
May the twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, be and
the same are hereby made as valid and effectual and shall have the
same force'and effect in law as if he had not resigned nor been re-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1890.