struct its road as not to interfere with the grade of the wagon
ways of the said individual which are necessary and proper from
one part of the said land to another.
SEC. 6. That nothing in this act shall prevent the proper au-
thorities of Prince George's county at any time, at its option, from
altering the grade, or otherwise improving all streets and roads
occupied by this railway, or the said authorities from so altering
Not pre-
and improving such streets and roads and sewerage thereof as
may be under their authority or control, and in such events it
shall be the duty of said company, at its own expense, to change
the said railway so as to conform to such grade and pavement.
SEC. 7. That the capital stock of said company shall not be less
than one hundred thousand dollars nor more than five hundred
thousand dollars, and the said stock shall be divided into shares
of one hundred dollars each, and shall be deemed personal prop-
erty transferable in such manner as the by-laws of said company
may direct.
SEC. 8. That the said company shall place first-class cars on said
railway, with all modern improvements for the convenience of pass-
engers, and shall run cars thereon during the day, and as late as
eleven o'clock, post meridian.
SEC. 9. That the said company shall provide such passenger
rooms, offices, stables and depots, at such points as the business of
the road and the convenience of the public may require; and said
company is hereby authorized to lay such rails through transverse
streets or avenues as may be necessary, not exceeding three hundred
yards in distance in any one place, for connecting said stables,
depots and offices with the main tracks; and the said company is
hereby authorized to purchase or lease such lauds or buildings as
may be necessary for the passengers and freight rooms, ticket
offices, stables and depots above named, and not exceeding twenty-
five thousand dollars in value.
SEC. 10. That within sixty days after the passage of and ap-
proval of this act, the corporators named in the first section, or a
majority of them, or if any one of them refuses to act, then a
majority of the remainder shall cause books of subscription to be
opened and kept open in some convenient and accessable place or
places in the city of Washington and the towns of Laurel and
To open
Hyattsville for a period to be fixed by the said corporators not
less than two days, and the said corporators shall give public
notice, by advertisement in not less than two daily papers pub-
lished in the city of Washington, and at least in one published
in the town of Laurel, of the time, when and place where said
books shall be opened; and the subscribers on said books to the
capital stock of the company shall be held to be stockholders ;
provided, that every subscriber shall pay at the time of subscrib-
ing ten per centum of the amount by him subscribed to the treas-