under the name of the Washington and Laurel traction company,
with power to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, and
have and use a common seal, and to change the same at pleasure,
with authority to construct and lay down a single or double track
railway, with the necessary switches and turnouts in Prince
George's county, Maryland, through and along the following road:
commencing at the point on the Baltimore and Washington Turn-
pike road where the dividing line between the District of Calumbia
and the State of Maryland crosses said road, and running thence
over said road to the bridge crossing the Patuxent river at Laurel,
between Howard and Prince George's counties, with the right to
run public carriages thereon, drawn or propelled by horse, steam,
electricity or cable, or other improved motive power, receiving a
rate of fare not exceeding two cents per mile for each passenger ;
provided said fare shall be not less than five cents for one passenger
for any distance and with authority to construct and lay down any
lateral or connecting road or roads on streets or public roads not
exceeding ten miles j.n length, with the right to run public car-
riages thereon drawn by horse power, or propelled or drawn by
steam, electric or cable, or other improved motive power.
SEC. 2. That the road of said company with all its property
and franchises shall be liable to taxation as is or may be provided
by law.
To lay.
SEC. 3. That the said railway shall be laid on the turnpike
road outside of the traveled track of said road.
SEC. 4. That the said corporation hereby created shall be
bound to keep said tracks and the space of two feet beyond the
outer rails thereof at all times well ballasted, and in good order
in such manner and with such material as may be directed by
the board of county commissioners; that when any street through
Shall keep
which the said railway runs shall be paved, said railway company
shall bear all the expenses for that portion of the work lying be-
tween the exterior rails of the track of said road, and for a dis-
tance of two feet from the exterior of such track or tracks on
each said side thereof and of keeping the same in repair, but the
said railway company having conformed to the grades established
by the commissioners may use such cobble-stones or other material
for paving their tracks, or the space between their tracks, as the
commissioners may direct.
SEC. 5. That whenever the said company in the construction
of its railroads as authorized by this act, shall find it necessary
to cross or intersect any established road, street or other way, it
Not to
shall be the duty of said company so to construct the said rail-
road across such established road, street or other way as not to
impede the passage or transportation of persons or property along
the same, and when it shall be necessary to pass the said railroad
through the land of any individual, the said railroad shall so con-