AN ACT to amend article twenty, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title " Somerset county," by adding thereto certain sec-
tions under the sub-title " Oysters," to follow section one hun-
dred and ninety-six, and to be designated as " Sections, A B, C,
D, E, F, G, H, and K."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That article twenty, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Somerset county," sub-title " Oysters," be and the same is hereby
amended by adding thereto certain new sections to follow next
after section one hundred and ninety-six, and to be designated as
" Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and K."
A. That the owner or owners of any land bcrdering on any of
the navigable waters of Somerset county, the lines of which ex-
tend into and are covered by said waters shall have the exclusive
To locate
privilege of using the same for the protecting, sowing, bedding or
depositing oysters, shells or other shell-fish within the lines of
their own land; and any owner or owners of any land, being citi-
zens of Somerset county for twelve months, lying and bordering
upon any of the waters of said county shall have power to locate
and appropriate in any of the waters adjoining his, her or their
lands one lot of five acres, and no more, for the purpose of pro-
tecting, sowing, preserving, depositing or bedding oysters, shells
or other shell-fish; and any of the male citizens of Somerset
county, of the full age of twenty-one years, shall have the power
to locate and appropriate five acres in any waters of said county
not located and appropriated under the provisions of this act ;
provided, that thirty days' notice in writting shall be given to the
owner or owners, occupant or occupants of lands bordering on said
waters proposed to be located, that the owner or owners, occupant
or occupants may have priority of claim; and if they shall fail
to locate or appropriate the water mentioned in said notice for the
purposes aforesaid, within thirty days after receiving the same,
then it shall be open to anyone being a male citizen of Somerset