SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the governor shall by and with
To appoint
the advice and consent of the senate, at each regular session of
the General Assembly appoint three competent persons in each of
the counties of Calvert and St. Mary's residents thereof respec-
tively, who shall constitute a board of county school commis-
sioners for their respective counties.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the county school commis-
sioners appointed under the preceding section for Calvert county
shall meet at Prince Frederick, and that for St. Mary's county at
Leonardtown, for organization on the first Monday in May next
succeeding their appointment or as soon thereafter as may be, and
shall each elect a person not a member of the board, who shall
serve as secretary, treasurer and examiner of their respective
boards, and notice of such election signed by the president of
their respective boards, shall be transmitted to the comptroller of
the treasury; the respective boards shall meet whenever the school
interests of the respective counties require a meeting," and shall
receive for their services when occupied by the duties of their
office the sum of three dollars per day; provided, that no school
commissioner in said counties shall be paid for his services more
than one hundred dollars in any one year.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That in case a vacancy shall occur
in the office of school commissioners of either of said counties by
resignation, death, removal from the county or otherwise, the
governor shall appoint a competent person to fill the vacancy
during the remainder of the unexpired term.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the secretary, treasurer and
examiner appointed under the provisions of this act, shall perform
all the duties required of him by law, and shall receive such com-
pensation as the board of county school commissioners shall direct,
not to exceed the sum of seven hundred dollars in Calvert county
and eight hundred dollars in St. Mary's county in any one year.
SEC. 6. And be it enaited, That the board of county school
commissioners and the secretary, treasurer and examiner, who
shall be in office in the respective counties of Calvert and St.
Mary's on the last day of April in the year eighteen hundred and
To turn
ninety, shall turn over to the school commissioners and the sec-
retary, treasurer and examiner of their respective counties ap-
pointed under the provisions of this act, immediately after they
organize and qualify according to law, all books, papers, money,
effects, goods, chattels and property belonging to the respective
boards of county school commissioners of Calvert and St. Mary's
counties under existing laws.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts in-
consistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed so
far as the same apply to Calvert and St. Mary's counties; and