county and of full age as aforesaid under the provisions of this
section; provided, also, that all locations under this act shall be
surveyed, marked, described and bounded as is hereinafter set
forth; and, provided also, that such location and appropriation.
shall not obstruct, injure or impede the free navigation of said
waters; and, provided further, that no natural bar or bed of
oysters shall be so located or appropriated; and such waters or
bottom under such waters where oysters will grow naturally in
quantities sufficient to be of value and importance to those en-
gaged in catching oysters with torigs, shall be considered natural
beds or bars of oysters in construing the provisions of this act ;
and whenever water or bottom thereunder has been a natural bar
or bed of oysters as above construed, and which has become de-
pleted of oysters by the same having been caught or removed
therefrom, the said water or bottom thereunder shall not be sub-
ject to location or appropriation under the provisions of this act.
B. For the purpose of definitely determining what waters in
Somerset county may be located according to the provisions of
the preceding section, there shall be appointed by the governor
of Maryland, by and with the advice and consent of the senate,
three persons, citizens of Somerset county, (two of whom shall
be persons practically acquainted with the business of catching
oysters,) who shall constitute a commission and be known as
"Oyster Commissioners," who shall serve for four years from the
date of their appointment, or until their successors are appointed
and qualified, who before proceeding to perform the duties of
their office shall go before the clerk of the circuit court for Som-
erset county and take and subscribe an oath or affirmation that
they will faithfully, honestly and impartially perform the duties
required of them by this act; and whenever any person or per-
sons who may be entitled under the next preceding section of
this act, shall desire to locate and appropriate five acres for the
purpose of protecting, sowing, preserving, depositing, bedding or
planting oysters, shells or other shell-fish as prescribed in this
act, before proceeding to locate or appropriate the same shall first
give notice in writing to all and each of the said oyster commis-
sioners of such desire, naming the waters where the said location
is desired to be made"; and upon the receipt of such notice, it
shall be the duty of the said oyster commissioners, or a majority
of them, as soon as practicable thereafter, to visit the waters
where such location and appropriation is to be made and care-
fully and faithfully examine the said waters and the bottom
thereunder for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the
same is a subject of location and appropriation as required by
this act, and if after said examination said commissioners, or a
majority of them, should determine that the said water or the
bottom thereunder is not subject to location and appropriation