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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That this charter shall be in full

In force.

force and effect until repealed by an act of the General Assembly

of this State.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from


the date of its passage.

Approved February 11, 1890.


AN ACT to add an additional section to article twenty-one, of

the Code of Public General Laws of the State of Maryland,

title " Conveyancing," sub- title " Mortgages," to be designated

as " Section 39 A."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,

That an additional section be and the same is hereby added to ar-

To add

ticle twenty-one, of the Code of Public General Laws of the State

of Maryland, title " Conveyancing," sub-title " Mortgages," to be

designated as " section 39 A," and to read as follows :

39 A. Whenever any assignment or release of mortgage or any

release or assignment of an interest in any deed of trust is made

by a separate deed or in any other mode than that prescribed in

sections thirty-two, thirty-four, thirty-five, and thirty-six of this

Article, and whenever any proceedings to foreclose a mortgage are

had or a sale under any deed of trust is made, it shall be the duty

of the clerks of the circuit courts of the counties and of the

superior court of Baltimore city to enter in the margin of the

To record.

record of the original paper a memorandum of the place where

such deed of assignment or release, or proceedings of foreclosure,
or report of sale, as the case may be, is recorded; and the clerk

making such entry shall charge therefor the sum of twenty-five

cents, to be taxed as part of the fee for recording such assignment

or release, or as part of the costs of the case where there has been

a foreclosure of mortgage, or sale under a deed of trust; and it

shall be the duty of the clerks of circuit court No. 1 and

circuit court No. 2 of Baltimore city, to furnish from time to

time, to the clerk of the superior court such memoranda as will

enable him to carry out the provisions of this section.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from


the date of its passage.

Approved February 11, 1890.

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Session Laws, 1890
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