the south side of Eager street eight feet west from the intersec-
tion of said south line with the west line of Beuren street and
running thence by a straight line to the intersection of the north.
line of Madison street and the west side of Beuren street; and
thence with the west side of Beuren street to the south side of
Eager street; and thence with the south side of Eager street to
the place of beginning; provided, also, that said Western Mary-
land tidewater railroad company shall not acquire or use any
property of the Northern Central railway company south of
Eager street that shall interfere in any way with the most easterly
track of the Northern Central railway as now constructed; sixth,
the said Western Maryland tidewater railroad company shall build
a stone retaining wall of suitable thickness on the north side of
and parallel with the proposed main track of the said Western.
Maryland tideAvater railroad company between Charles and Saint
Paul streets; the said wall to be not more than sixteen and one-
half feet in height above the base of rail of said Western Mary-
land tidewater railroad, and shall extend the full length of the
property of the Northern Central railway company between.
Charles and Saint Paul streets, it being understood that the base
of rail of said Western Maryland tidewater railroad shall not at
any point between Charles street and a point one hundred feet
west of the west building line of Saint Paul street, measured at
right angles thereto, be any higher than the base of rail of the
most northerly track of the Northern Central railway between.
said points; a brick wall not less than two feet in thickness shall
in like manner be built by the said Western Maryland tidewater
railroad company on the south side of and parallel with the pro-
posed main tracks of said Western Maryland tidewater railroad
ocmpany, and extending from Charles street to a point one hun-
dred feet west of the west building line of Saint Paul street,
measured at right angles thereto; said brick wall to be of the
same height as the stone retaining wall; and the two walls thus
built shall be covered the entire length of the brick wall with
iron beams, properly secured, Avith brick arches laid between the
same in cement, or other similar construction satisfactory to the
engineer of the Northern Central railway company, it being under-
stood that the extreme height of said structure to be so con-
structed by the said Western Maryland tidewater railroad com-
pany shall not exceed eighteen feet above the base of rail as above
mentioned at any point; the faces of said walls shall not be more
than twenty-six feet apart, measured horizontally at the base of
rail of said Western Maryland tidewater railroad, and the retain-
ing wall may have a batter on the face not to exceed one inch to
the foot of vertical rise; the brick wall shall be laid to a true
face and plumb on each side, and the whole structure shall be
built in a substantial and workmanlike manner.