No. 409. An act to enable the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore city to appropriate money for the relief of dis-
abled and superannuated firemen of Baltimore city.........
No. 410. An act to incorporate the " Rising Sun Detective
Association of Cecil county"..................................
No. 411. An act to authorize the Comptroller to issue his
warrant upon the Treasurer to pay Wm. A. Twilley, late
collector of State taxes for the seventh and thirteenth dis-
tricts of Dorchester county, a sum of money overpaid by
him into the State Treasury .......................................
No. 412 An act directing the Comptroller to issue his war-
rant upon the Treasurer, to pay James R. Willing dam-
ages and costs sustained against him by Thomas Bozman,
while in the discharge of his official duties as an officer of
the State of Maryland..............................................
No. 413. An act to give and declare the sanction of the
General Assembly of Maryland to the several bequests to
charitable institutions contained in the will of Samuel E.
Annan, late of Frederick county, deceased....................
No. 414. An act to pay John Murphy & Co. the sum of
thirty-six dollars and eighty nine cents, for stationery fur-
nished Hon. Andrew K. Syester, late Attorney General
of Maryland, for the use of the State...........................
No. 415. An act to repeal section 87 F of chapter three of
the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled
"An act to repeal chapter two hundred and seventy-four
of the acts of assembly passed at January session, eighteen
hundred and seventy-six," and entitled "An act to add
additional sections to article twenty-one of the Code of
Public Local Laws," title "Washington county," sub- title
" County Commissioners," to be known as sections 87A,
87B, 87C, 87D, 87E, 87F, 87G, 87H, 87I, 87 J, 87K, 87L,
87M, 87N, 87O, 87P, 87Q, 87R, 87S, 87T, and re enact
the same so as to read as follows, and to re enact said sec-
tion 87F with amendments providing for a semi-annual
examination of the books, papers, &c., of the county col-
lector ...................................................................
No. 416. An act to repeal chapter twenty-nine of the acts
of assembly passed at the January session, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-four, entitled "An act to repeal an act