ministration records in his office from eighteen hundred
and sixty-six to eighteen hundred and eighty.................
No. 402. An act to repeal section one hundred and three of
article six of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled
" Caroline county," sub-title " Greensborough, " as re-
enacted by the act of eighteen hundred and seventy, and
to enact the following in lieu thereof........
No. 403. An act to repeal an act passed at the January ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, chapter three
hundred and sixty-three, entitled " An act to allow the
Trustees of the Maryland Institution for the Instruction
of the Blind to locate the bed of North street, if extend-
ed into Baltimore county, from North avenue to Denmead
No. 404. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
Frederick county, in their discretion, to levy, annually, a
sum of money for the erection and furnishing of new
school houses in said county......
No. 405. An act to change a part of the dividing line be-
tween the sixth election district and seventh election dis-
trict of Baltimore county..........................................
No. 406. An act granting the sanction of the General As-
sembly of Maryland to the bequest of five hundred dol-
lars, in the last will and testament of Susan W. Snievely,
late of Washington county, deceased, to the trustees of
the congregation worshipping in the Bethany Meeting
House, at Downsville, and their successors....................
No. 407. An act to repeal section twenty-eight of the acts
of assembly passed at the January session of eighteen
hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act to add an
additional article to the Code of Public Local Laws, to be
entitled Garrett county," and to re-enact the same with
amendments providing for the payment of mileage to re-
turn iudges of election.............................................
No. 408. An act to repeal chapter one hundred and seven-
teen of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, en-
titled "An act to incorporate the town of Huntington,
Prince George's county," and to re enact the same with