passed at January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
two, chapter forty -four, entitled 'An act to repeal an act
passed January session, eighteen hundred and seventy,
chapter eleven, to repeal section two hundred and four of
article twenty-one of the Code of Public Local Laws for
Washington county, relating to justices of the peace and
constables in said county,'" and to re-enact the said act of
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, chapter forty-four,
with amendments, and an additional provision in regard
to registers of voters in said county, and to re-enact said
chapter twenty nine of the acts of eighteen hundred and
seventy-four with amendments...................................
No. 417. An act to amend section five of article four of the
Constitution of this State..........................................
No. 418. An act to repeal sections one and ninety-four, one
hundred and ninety-six and one hundred and ninety-seven
of chapter thirty-five of article four, Code of Public Local
Laws, relating to the city of Baltimore, sub-title " Docks,"
as repealed and re-enacted by chapter four hundred and
eight of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and
to re-enact the same with amendments.........................
No. 419. An act to repeal, and re-enact with amendments,
section nineteen of chapter one hundred and eight of the
acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An
act to add an additional article to the Code of Public
Local Eaws," to be entitled " Garret county," so as to
empower the clerk to the county commissioners to admin-
ister oaths in certain cases.........................................
No. 420. An act to authorize the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore to make an appropriation for erecting a mon-
ument to the memory of Colonel George Armistead, U. S.
Army, for his gallant defence of Fort McHenry, on the
thirteenth and fourteenth of September, eighteen hundred
and fourteen..........................................................
No. 421. An act to amend the act incorporating the Corn
Exchange Building Company in the city of Baltimore,
passed at January session, eighteen hundred and sixty,
chapter twelve...... ...............................................
No. 422. An act to incorporate the Baltimore Kennel Club.