AN ACT to require the clerk of the Circuit Court
for "Washington county to prepare and make a
general index to the land records of Washington
county prior to the year 1836, and to prepare and
keep a general index of all judgments recovered
in said court.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the clerk of the Circuit Court
for Washington county be and he is hereby required
to make a full and general alphabetical index, in a
book or books well bound for the purpose, of all
General in-
deeds, mortgages, bills of sale and other conveyances
of record in his office which were recorded prior to
dex of deeds,
the first day of January, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-six, which index shall set forth the
name of each grantor, bargainer, donor or mortgagor,
and of each grantee, bargainee, donee or mortgagee,
and shall refer to the book and page of the record
of the several conveyances aforesaid after the method
known as the " Campbell system."
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said clerk be
and he is hereby required to make a full and general
alphabetical index, in a book or books well bound
General in-
for the purpose, of all judgments recovered in said
dex of judg-
court for twelve years next prior to the first day of
January, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty,
which index shall be indexed in the name of each
defendant in said judgments, but shall also show the