AN ACT to repeal the second section of chapter one
hundred and ninety-six of the acts of the General
eral Assembly, passed at the January session, eigh-
teen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act to
legalize the Revised Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland, prepared by Lewis Mayer, Louis G.
Fischer and E. J. D. Cross," and to subscribe for
copies of the same, and to re-enact the same with
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That section two of chapter one
hundred and ninety-six of the acts of the General
Assembly, passed at the January session, eighteen
hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act to legal-
ize the Revised Code of Public General Laws of
Repealed and
Maryland, prepared by Lewis Mayer, Louis C.
Fischer and E. J. D. Cross," and to subscribe for
copies of the same, be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows :
SEC. 2. And le it enacted, That the State Li-
brarian be and is hereby authorized and directed
to subscribe, in the name of the State, for six hun-
dred copies of said Revised Code, prepared, printed
to subscribe.
and bound in as good style as the Code of eighteen
hundred and sixty; provided the price shall not ex-
ceed ten dollars per copy, and provided also that
the table of errata and addenda now prepared by
said codifiers, be inserted in each of said six hun-
dred copies ; and it is hereby enacted that the said
table of errata and addenda shall be deemed and
taken as a component part of said "Revised Code;"
and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and required
in the warrant of the Comptroller, which he shall
issue on receipt of a certificate from the State Li-
brarian that the said copies have been delivered as
aforesaid, to pay to the said Lewis Mayer, Louis C.
Fischer and E. J. D. Cross the sum of six thousand
dollars, said subscriptions to be in lieu and stead of