ages; and all assessments of benefits made under this
act shall be credited with the amount which -may
have been heretofore paid on account of the previous
assessment of benefits upon the same property for
said avenue ; any assessment made for benefits under
this shall be a tax and lien upon the property upon
which the same is assessed, and shall be due and
collectable at any time after the statement and pro-
ceedings of the examiners shall be ratified and con-
firmed as herein provided for ; and said assessments
Who to col-
shall be collected by the examiners ; and after such
ratification and confirmation, the said examiners shall
proceed forthwith to notify the owner or owners of
the property assessed for benefits, by means of bills
specifying the sum so assessed, and warning them
that if the same is not paid within thirty days from
the date of said bill, the said examiners will proceed
to sell the property on which such unpaid sum or
gums of money shall have been assessed ; and the said
Give public
examiners shall give not less than thirty days' notice
of said sale by public auction in one or more news-
papers published in Baltimore county, once a week,
and one or more newspapers published in Baltimore
city, twice a week, for three successive weeks ; and
the said examiners shall sell such property to the
extent and subject to the same conditions which are
now or may hereafter be provided for the sale
of real estate for State taxes in Baltimore county ;
and in the event of the purchaser or purchasers
failing forthwith to comply with the terms of said
sale, the examiners shall resell the same at the
risk of the former purchaser, giving not less than
ten days' notice in one or more newspapers pub-
lished in Baltimore county, and in one or more
newspapers published in Baltimore city, and when
the examiners shall receive the full amount of the
Execute deed
purchase money on such sale, they shall execute a
of convey-
deed of conveyance in favor of the purchaser or pur-
chasers, which deed shall convey a fee simple or
leasehold estate, as the case may be, in and to such
property, and after deducting the amount of assess-
ment, or such portion of the same as may be due
and unpaid, the cost of sales, advertising and other
necessary expenses, the balance shall be paid, or ten-
dered to be paid, to the person or persons legally
entitled to receive the same ; and if such balance