AN ACT to add a new section to the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws, article four, title " City of Balti-
more," sab-title " Jurors," relating to the pay of
jurors in the city of Baltimore.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly
of Maryland, That an additional section be added
to article four of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Jurors," to
come in after section six hundred and eighteen of
said article, and to read as follows :
SEC. 618 A. Jurors in any of the courts of the
city of Baltimore shall receive one dollar and a half
per day for each and every day they shall attend the
several courts of this State in said city as jurors, and
it shall be the duty of the clerk of the court to which
the jurors shall be summoned, to furnish on the day
their service shall terminate, to each juror, a certifi-
cate, showing the days he has been in attendance on
tion of jurors.
the court, and the amount payable to him for such
service, and the register of the city shall pay the
jurors the sums payable for such service in cash,
and immediately upon the presentation and surren-
der of such certificate, with the receipt of the juror,
and said payment shall not be demandable save
upon the surrender of said certificates, and the said
certificates shall not be the subject of assignment.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage, and that all provisions
of the Code, acts and parts of acts inconsistent with
the provisions of the foregoing section, are hereby
repealed, so far as the same are inconsistent.
Approved April 10, 1880.