ber secretary, in which case the Governor shall, with .
the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint anoth-
er member to complete the full number of the board.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the secretary
shall hold his office so long as he shall faithfully dis-
Keep record.
charge the duties thereof, but may be removed for
just cause at a regular meeting of the board, a ma-
jority of the members voting therefor ; he shall keep
a record of the transactions of the board, and an ac-
count of all expenditures authorized by the act; he
shall, whenever necessary or practicable, correspond
with other State Boards of Health, and with the
local boards and health officers in this State, and se-
cure an interchange of all useful sanitary informa-
tion, especially respecting the causes, treatment and
progress of epidemics; he shall keep on file all re-
ports received from such boards, and all correspond-
ence relating to the duties of this board; he shall
prepare blank forms of returns, and such instruc-
tions as may be necessary, and forward them to the
several local boards throughout the State; he shall,
when requested by local boards, visit their respec-
tive districts, cities or villages, to investigate the
cause of any existing disease, and shall, from time
to time, and whenever directed by the Governor or
Legislature, make special inspections of public hos-
pitals, asylums, prisons and other institutions, and
Submit full
shall, at each regular session of the Legislature, sub-
mit, through the board, a full report of his investi-
gations, with such suggestions and recommendations
as he may deem proper; he shall, when required by
the Governor or other State authorities, advise in
regard to the location, drainage, water supply, dis-
posal of excrement, heating and ventilation of any
public institution or building belonging to the State ;
he shall collect information concerning vital statis-
tics, prevailing diseases and the general hygiene of
the State, and through a biennial report and other-
wise, as the board may direct, shall disseminate such
information among the people; he shall receive from
the treasury, in monthly payments, an annual salary
of eighteen hundred dollars, to be paid on the war-
rant of the Comptroller out of any money in the
treasury not otherwise appropriated.