SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the secretary
shall be the superintendent of vital statistics ; he
Vital statis-
shall collect, tabulate and index these statistics, and
cause the returns received by him for each annual
or biennial period to be bound together in one
volume, and after he has prepared from the returns
such tabular results as will render them of practical
utility, he shall deposit them in the State library ;
and in order to secure uniformity and correctness, all
State and county officers, local health authorities
and other persons, charged with collecting or record-
ing marriages, births and deaths in the State, shall
quarterly, on or before the first days of January,
April, July and October in each year, make true
Make true
and correct returns to the said superintendent of
and correct
vital statistics, who shall have the same properly
transcribed in books to be kept for the purpose, and
shall, in the event of an unusual mortality in any
particular locality, make immediate inquiry into
the same and report the results thereof to the board ;
for the duties imposed by this section, and to defray
the necessary clerical and other expenses of his of-
fice, the superintendent of vital statistics shall re-
ceive the same compensation now allowed by section
nine, chapter one hundred and thirty, acts of eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-five, to the clerks of the
several county courts, and the Court of Common
Pleas of Baltimore, for recording marriages, births
and deaths, to be paid as the salary of the secretary
is paid ; provided the amount so paid in any one
year shall not exceed the sum of two hundred dol-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That no member of
the board, except the secretary, shall receive any
compensation ; but the actual personal expenses of
any member, while engaged in the duties of the
board, and such necessary expenses of the board as
Who to re-
the Comptroller of the Treasury shall audit, on pre-
ceive com-
sentation of an itemized account, with vouchers,
and the certificates of the board, shall be allowed
and paid; provided said expenses shall not exceed,
annually, the sum of twelve hundred dollars, which
is hereby appropriated from any money in the treas-
ury not otherwise appropriated.
Approved April 14, 1880.