hereby authorized and empowered to merge and
to merge and
consolidate with, lease or be leased by, any connect-
ing railroad or line of railroad, to form a continuous
line between Baltimore and Cincinnati, on the south
side of the Ohio river, upon such terms and condi-
tions as may be agreed upon between said companies
or corporations respectively ; provided, however, that
no such merger, consolidation or lease, shall be en-
tered into, take effect or prevail, until it is so author-
ized by a vote of the holders of at least two-thirds of
the capital stock of the said Baltimore, Cincinnati
and Western Railway Company. In the event of
any merger or consolidation being effected, as herein
provided, the capital stock of the said Baltimore,
Cincinnati and Western Railway Company may
consist of the amount of its own stock, together with
the amount of the capital stock of the railroads,
merged or consolidated with ; and whenever the said
Baltimore, Cincinnati and Western Railway Com-
pany shall, in the opinion of the directors thereof,
Increase cap-
require an increased amount of capital stock, the
ital stock.
same may be increased as provided in the said act of
the Legislature of Maryland, passed and approved
on the seventh day of April, A. D., eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-six, chapter two hundred and forty-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Balti
more, Cincinnati and Western Railway Company
be and the same is hereby authorized and empower-
ed to cross over or under any other railroad now
built and constructed, or hereafter to be built and
constructed, within this State, at any point on its
Cross over or
route ; and if the two corporations cannot agree upon
the amount of compensation to be made therefor,
the points and manner of such crossing, the same
shall be ascertained and determined in the manner
prescribed in the said act of Legislature of eighteen
hundred and seventy-six, chapter two hundred and
forty-two, for the condemnation of land and other
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Balti-
more, Cincinnati and Western Railway Company
be and the same is hereby authorized and empower-
ed to borrow money to such an amount as may be