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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to authorize the Baltimore and Hanover

Railroad Company to consolidate with the Bach-

man Valley Railroad Company of Pennsylvania,

and the Hanover Junction, Hanover and Gettys-

burg Railroad Company and certain other corpo-

rations now or hereafter to be chartered by the

State of Pennsylvania.

WHEREAS the Baltimore and Hanover Railroad

Company is now operating its railroad from a point

of connection with the Western Maryland Railroad,

at Emory Grove Station, in Baltimore county, to a

point of connection with the Bachman Yalley Rail-

road, at the Maryland and Pennsylvania State line,

in Carroll county, Maryland, from which last-named

point the Bachrnan Valley Railroad is operated to a


point of intersection with the Hanover Junction,

Hanover and Gettysburg Railroad, and Whence a

connection is made by means of the last-named rail-

road with Hanover and Gettysburg, and it is likely

that one or more other companies will be chartered

by the State of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of

constructing a continuous line of railway from some

point on the Hanover Junction, Hanover and Get-

tysburg Railroad, or by the use of intervening rail-

roads already chartered to a point at or near, or in

the direction of the city of Harrisburg.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-

bly of Maryland, That the said Baltimore and Hano-
ver Railroad Company be and it is hereby author-

ized to enter into any agreement or agreements for


consolidation, and to consolidate with the said Bach

to consolidate

man Valley Railroad Company alone, or with it and

any other company or companies which are now, or

may hereafter be, chartered by the State of Penn-

sylvania to operate railroads constructed or to be

constructed in the direction of the city of Harris-


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said consolidation

may be made upon any terms and stipulations which

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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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