Impose fines
feitures for breach of their laws and ordinances as
find penalties
they may think proper, not exceeding the sum of
ten dollars for any one offence; and they may pass
all laws or ordinances necessary to give effect and
operation to the powers vested in them.
Appoint an-
SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That the common
nually a bai-
council shall annually appoint a bailiff, which
appointment shall be approved by the mayor, and
before said bailiff enters upon the duties of his office
he shall make oath before a justice of the peace that
he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties
imposed upon him by this act, and the by-laws and
ordinances of the said mayor and common council,
and he shall execute to the mayor and common council
of the town of Union Bridge, a bond, with two good
and sufficient securities, to be approved by said
mayor and common council, in such penalty as they
shall prescribe, conditioned that he shall well and
truly and faithfully perform the duties of said office,
and shall pay to the treasurer of said town all sums
Duty of bai-
of money that may be collected by him for the use
of said corporation; it shall be the duty of the said
bailiff to preserve order, and to enforce the ordi-
nances of the said town, and to immediately arrest
any and all persons who he may see violating the
provisions of this charter, or of the laws and ordi-
nances governing the said town, and to take the
person or persons so arrested before the mayor or
any justice of the peace residing in said town, to be
dealt with according to the law governing the offence
committed, and in the execution of the duties of his
office he shall have all and the same powers as any
constable, and be entitled to the same fees, and his
bond shall be liable as constables' bonds are under
the laws of this State ; he may be allowed such
salary as the mayor and council shall determine.
SEC. 23. And le it enacted, That the mayor, when
necessary, may appoint special bailiffs for said town,
Appoint spe-
not to act for more than one day ; and every person
cial bailiffs
resisting the authority of the regular or special bail-
iffs shall be liable to conviction and punishment in
the same manner and to the same extent as if resist-
ing a constable.