SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all persons who
have resided in the said town of Union Bridge for
one year, and who are qualified to vote for delegates
to the General Assembly, and all other persons who
hold real estate in said town of the value of five
hundred dollars or more, shall, on the first Monday
in April ensuing the passage of this act, and on the
same day and month in each and every year there-
Elect Mayor
and Council-
after, elect by ballot one person for mayor and
five persons for common councilmen, all of whom
shall be at least twenty-five years of age, and shall
have resided in said town two years previous to the
day of the election, and who shall each be the owner
in his own right of real or personal estate in said
town assessed at not less than five hundred dollars.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the mayor shall
give, or cause to be given, at least ten days' notice
Give notice
previous to the day of the election, by posting not
of election.
less than three written or printed notices in con-
spicuous public places in said town of the time and
place at which the said election shall be held.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the mayor shall
appoint three persons, qualified voters of said town,
judges of election, who, before they act, shall each
Judges of
take an oath or affirmation before a justice of the
peace, that he will fairly and impartially act as judge
of said election to be held.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said judges
shall appoint a clerk for said election, who shall, be-
fore he acts, take an oath that he will fairly and
impartially enter the name of every person voting,
and of every person voted for, and lor what office.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That said judges of
election shall permit every person, qualified voter as
aforesaid, to vote, and none other; and a majority
of the said three judges shall have power to do all
things named under this and the preceding section,
Who to vote.
in case one of them dies or refuses to act ; and the
said judges shall keep the polls open three consecu-
tive hours, and after closing the polls shall count the
ballots, and announce the result, and make and
sign a certificate thereof, which shall be immediately