troller. Any captain or other person in charge who
shall violate the provisions of this section shall, upon
proof of such violation before a judge of the circuit
court or justice of the peace of the county nearest
Subject to
which such violation occurred, be subject to a fine
of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one
hundred dollars, and such fine and the costs of
prosecution shall be a lien upon such boat or ves-
sel on which were violated the provisions of this
section, and unless said fine and costs be paid
within ten days or appeal be taken, such boat or
vessel shall be sold at public sale to the highest
bidder for. cash, under such orders and notice as
the judge or justice of the peace may prescribe;
one-half of the fine to be paid to parties making the
arrest and capture, unless the arrest and capture be
made by the State Fishery force, and the balance
to the treasury of the State.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That any person who
has been a resident-citizen for the twelve months
next preceding his application of a county border-
ing on the Potomac Kiver, desiring to use any canoe
or other boat in catching oysters for sale, with rakes
or tongs in any of the waters of the Potomac Kiver,
shall first obtain, by application to the clerk of the
County li-
circuit court for the county wherein he resides, a li-
cense therefor, and such license shall have effect
from the first day of June in the year in which it
may have been issued to the first day of June next
succeeding ; provided that such license shall not au-
thorize the use of said canoe or boat in taking or
catching oysters in any creek, cove, inlet, bay or
sound within the limits of any county other than
that wherein the license shall have been issued.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That each and every
license to catch oysters, for sale, with tongs or rakes
State name
in the waters of the Potomac River, shall state the
and residence
name and residence of the person to whom the same is
granted, the number and length of the canoe or boat
by top or over-all measurement, the county in which
the same is to be used, and the period at which said
license will expire ; said license shall also state that
the holder thereof is, by virtue of said license, au-
thorized and required to make, or assist in making,