rest and seizure be made by any officer of the State
Fishery force, said fine shall be paid into the treas-
ury of the State ; but if made by any other person
or persons having the right to arrest and seize, one-
half of said fine shall be paid to the clerk of the
circuit court of the county in -which the case has
been tried, to be paid by said clerk to the Comp-
troller of the State, and the other half shall be
equally divided between the parties who made or
assisted in making the arrest and seizure.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That any boat, vessels
and equipments owned wholly or in part by any non-
resident, used in catching oysters in the waters of
the Potomac River with scoop, dredge, drag or sim-
ilar implement, upon seizure and proof shall be con-
demned by any judge of the circuit court or jus-
tice of the peace of the county nearest the place of
Shall be con-
her capture, and shall be sold by the sheriff of the
county where condemned to the highest bidder for
cash after ten days' notice of the time and place of
sale ; one-half of the proceeds of sale, less half the
costs of prosecution and sale, shall be paid to the
parties who made the capture, except when the
capture was made by the State Fishery force, and
the balance shall be paid into the treasury of the
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the Comptroller
of the Treasury shall have painted in black figures,
Printed num-
on white canvas, two sets of numbers corresponding
to the license, to catch oysters with scoop, dredge,
drag or similar implement; each figure shall be
twenty-two inches long and of proportionate width,
and the figures shall be at least six inches apart,
and he shall give to each person taking out such li-
cense two numbers thereof, one of which shall be
firmly sewed upon the starboard side and in the mid-
dle of that side of the mainsail, which is above the
close reef, and the other number on the port side
and in the middle part of the jib, which is above the
bonnet and reef. These numbers shall be placed in
an upright position and be worn at all times during
the dredging season, and shall not be concealed or de-
faced ; and no other number shall be exposed to view
or be used than that which is furnished by the Comp-