now required of the registrars for the ten wards of
List of voters.
said city, except that the publication of the lists of
—how pub-
voters shall be made by handbills distributed in their
respective districts, instead of by printing in the
newspapers, as now directed. And the said regis-
trars who have been appointed prior to the tenth day
of December, A. D. 1879, and are about to enter
upon the discharge of their duties, are hereby au-
thorized and required to receive from the register of
Frederick city the books of registration heretofore
used by the Officers of Registration of the respec-
tive wards now comprising said aldermanic districts,
and to use them as the basis of future registration,
and to transfer from the two books of the wards
comprising each aldermanic district into the new
book to be prepared for registration purposes the
names of le-
gally quali-
fied voters.
names of the legally qualified voters contained now
in said two books, and said new book shall then be
taken and considered as the book of registration of
such aldermanic district, and the names of such le-
gally qualified voters as may apply for registration
shall be added to the same, and the names of those
who have become, or may become, disqualified be
stricken therefrom as now provided for by law.
As a compensation for the transcription of said
lists into the books of the respective aldermanic dis-
tricts each registrar shall be entitled to ten dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
When effec-
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved January 15, 1880.