Officers of Registration for the aldermanic districts
of Frederick city, be and the same is hereby repealed,
and the following sub-section enacted in lieu of, and
as a substitute therefor :
87. SUB-SECTION 1. The Governor shall annually,
Appoint Offl-
before the tenth day of December, appoint one per-
cer of Regis-
son as Officer of Registration in each aldermanic
district of Frederick city, who shall be a resident of
the district for which he is appointed. And the said
Officer of Registration shall register in a book, to be
prepared for the purpose, all male citizens above the
age of twenty one years who shall have the requis-
ite qualifications to entitle them to vote for mayor
Who shall be
and alderman. Every male person who shall be a
citizen of the United States, and who shall have re-
sided within the State of Maryland for twelve
months, and in the aldermanic district wherein he
offers to register six months next preceding the elec-
tion, shall be entitled to be registered; provided, al-
ways, that when any person shall be legally regis-
tered in any of said districts, and shall remove there-
from to any other of said districts, and remain
therein, he shall be entitled to have his name remain
on the registry list of the district from which he
shall remove as aforesaid, and to vote therein nntil
he shall reside in the district which he shall have re-
moved to and remained therein a sufficient time to
entitle him to register therein; and the said Officer
of fiegistration, before registering any person as a
qualified voter, shall administer to him the follow-
Oath to be ad-
ing oath : "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I
will true answers make to all questions necessary to
ascertain my qualifications or disqualifications, un-
der the Constitution, to be registered as a qualified
voter." But nothing in said oath or affirmation
contained shall be construed to authorize said regis-
ter to ask any questions touching any cause of dis-
qualification not expressly enumerated in the Con-
stitution of Maryland or of the United States ; and
no person shall be permitted to register who is dis-
qualified under any of the provisions of the Consti-
tution of Maryland, except in relation to color ; and
the registrars of voters so appointed as aforesaid shall
have the same qualifications, and shall perform'their
duties in their several aldermanic districts, as are