AN ACT to make valid and effectual, and legalize
the official acts and proceedings of John Y. Pat-
terson, a justice of the peace of the third election
district of Garrett county, Maryland.
WHEREAS John Y. Patterson, of Garrett county,
Maryland, was duly appointed a justice of the peace
for said county on the tenth day of April, A. D.,
eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, to serve for the
term of two years, from the first day of May, eigh-
teen hundred and seventy-eight ; and whereas said
Patterson failed to qualify as such justice, and in
accordance with such appointment according to the
requirements of the constitution and the laws of the
State of Maryland, although he has continued to act
as such justice up to the present time ; and whereas
serious loss and inconvenience will result to sundry
persons and the public generally from the illegality
of the official acts and proceedings of said Patterson
as justice of the peace aforesaid ; therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the acts and proceedings of John
Y. Patterson, as one of the justices of the peace of
the State of Maryland, in and for Garrett county,
Legalize pro-
during the period in which he acted as such justice
and failed to qualify for the same, as required by
the constitution and laws of the State of Mary-
land, be and the same are hereby made as valid and
to have the same effect and operation in law as if
the said John Y. Patterson had qualified as such
justice in accordance with the law during the period
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, This act shall take
effect from its passage.
Approved April 10, 1880.