AN ACT to amend the "act of January session, eigh-
teen hundred and seventy, chapter two hundred
and twenty-one, entitled " An act to incorporate
the Potomac and Piedmont Coal and Railroad
Company, with power and authority for carrying
on the mining of coal, the building of furnaces,
burning of brick, and for the transportation of
coal and other products of the mines and property
to market and disposing of the same," by adding
thereto certain sections, changing its name, amend-
ing the second section of said act, providing for
the subscription of the capital stock of said com-
pany, and for the appointment of a Vice-Presi-
dent of said company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
Name chang-
of Maryland, That the name of the Potomac and
Piedmont Coal and Railroad Company, incorporated
by the act of the General Assembly of Maryland of
January session, eighteen hundred and seventy, chap-
ter two hundred and twenty-one, be and the same is
hereby changed to the name of the Canal and Eail-
road Coal Company, and that the said Potomac and
Piedmont Coal and Railroad Company shall be here-
after known and designated by the name of the Canal
and Railroad Coal Company, and shall, under the
name last aforesaid, have and succeed to all the