AN ACT to enable the Board of Managers of the
Maryland Hospital for the Insane to purchase a
tract of land in Baltimore county.
WHEREAS the greater convenience of the hospital
in charge of the Board of Managers of the Maryland
Hospital for the Insane requires that some adjoining
tract of land should be acquired by said board of
managers in order to obtain a sufficient supply of
good and pure water for said hospital, and also
facilities for the accommodation and treatment of
convalescent patients at some short distance from
the hospital proper and under the immediate super-
vision of the hospital physicians ; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Board of Managers of
the Maryland Hospital for the Insane be authorized
to purchase, at such fair and reasonable price as they
can agree on with the owner or owners, not exceed-
ing fifteen hundred dollars per acre, including all
improvements and appurtenances thereto belonging,
tract of land.
a tract of land containing not more than ten acres,
and immediately adjoining the land in Baltimore
county now owned by said board of managers and
occupied by said hospital ; provided said board
of managers shall be satisfied that the tract of land
so to be purchased by them shall be suitable and
necessary for the purposes aforesaid.