rights, powers, privileges and property of the said
Potomac and Piedmont Coal and Railroad Com-
pany, and shall be subject to all the debts, engage-
ments, contracts, obligations and liabilities of the
said last named company, it being the intent of this
Intention of
act to effect no other change in the said Potomac
and Piedmont Coal and Railroad Company, except
a change in the name thereof, and except in such
other particulars as are in this act set forth.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purpose
of obtaining subscription to the said capital stock of
said company authorized by the said act of January
session, eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter two
hundred and twenty-one, books shall be opened un-
der the direction of the persons named as incorpor-
ators of said company in the said original act, or of
Open books.
the survivors of them, or of a majority of such sur-
vivors of them, in the manner and subject to the
conditions and provisions, and with the powers,
liberties and authorities mentioned and set forth in
the second section of said original act of incorpor-
ation of said company, and said second section of said
original act of incorporation shall, in all other respects,
except as hereby amended, stand and be held good in
all respects, and as to all the matters and things there-
in contained or mentioned.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the president
and directors of said canal and railroad coal com-
Appoint if
pany are hereby authorized to appoint a vice-presi-
dent of said company, if they shall deem it necess-
ary to do so.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 10, 1880.