AN ACT to add new sections to the first article
of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled "Al-
legany county," to be sub-titled " Insane Asy-
lum," and to vest in the County Commissioners
of said county additional powers relating to the
care of insane persons.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the following new sections be
and are hereby added to the first article of the
New sections
Code of Public Local Laws, entitled "Allegany
county," to be sub-titled "Insane Asylum," and
to read as follows, viz:
SEC. — . The County Commissioners of said
county are hereby authorized to build, erect and
Build and
maintain an Insane Asylum in said county for the
safe keeping and treatment of insane paupers ne-
cessary to be maintained at the expense of said
county, and of any other insane persons who may
be received therein by order of said commissioners.
SEC. — . Said County Commissioners shall have
full power to contract for the purchase of suitable
land on which to erect the same, and to take and
receive a deed of conveyance therefor, and to en-
Power to
ter into a contract, or contracts, for the erection
of a suitable building, or buildings, for said pur-
pose, and for the purchase of materials for the
same, and for the doing of all other acts neces-
sary or proper to be done in carrying out said de-
SEC. — . After the erection of said asylum said
commissioners shall have full power to appoint
such managers, keepers, superintendents and phy-
Appoint offi-
sicians therefor as may be deemed necessary, and
to prescribe rules for the government thereof, and
to enter into agreements for the reception of in-
mates thereof, and fix and establish, from time to
time, rates at which inmates not dependent on