invested by the county commissioners to purchase
said bonds when redeemed ; and should this not be
deemed sufficient to pay the .interest on said bonds
and to create a sinking fund for their redemption,
the county commissioners are hereby authorized to
levy a tax each year to meet any deficiency that may
occur, until the revenue from said stock is sufficient
for this purpose.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That in accordance
with the provisions of article three, section fifty-four,
of the Constitution of Maryland, this act shall be
published for two months next before the next elec-
How publish-
tion of members of the House of Delegates, in the
newspapers published in said county, and shall also
be approved by a majority of all the members elected
to each House of the General Assembly at its next
session after said election.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That the qualified voters
of Washington county be and they are hereby au-
thorized to determine by ballot, at the election for
Ballots — how
members of the House of Delegates, in November,
eighteen hundred and eighty-one, whether or not the
county commissioners shall subscribe to the capital
stock of turnpike companies as prescribed by this
act, and to that end the qualified voters of said
county are hereby empowered to cast a ballot at said
election, which said ballot shall have written or
printed on it "for county subscription to turnpikes,"
or " against county subscription to turnpikes ;" and
the judges of election, in the various election dis-
tricts of said county, are hereby directed to count
said ballots and certify the result of such count to
Certify to re-
the clerk of the Circuit Court for Washington
county, as other election returns are made and cer-
tified ; and if it shall appear from said returns and
certificates that a majority of votes cast at said elec-
tion has been in favor of a subscription to the capi-
tal stock of turnpike companies by the county, then
the county commissioners of said county shall sub
scribe to the capital stock of said turnpike compan-
ies, when the requirements of this act have beer
complied with.
Approved April 10, 1880.