tricts four, five, six and fourteen, and in said dis-
tricts four, five, six and fourteen there shall be one
justice of the peace for each of said districts, and
there shall be one constable in each election district
now existing or hereafter to be created in said county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after the first day of January, eigh-
When effec-
teen hundred and eighty- two ; and in the meantime
the said section ninety-four shall remain in force as
it existed prior to the passage of this act.
Approved April 10, 1880.
AN ACT to amend the Code of Public General
Laws, article forty-five, relating to husband and
wife, by adding sections thereto, to be known as
sections thirty-one, thirty-two and thirty-three
respectively, to relieve a husband from liability
from his wife's debts before marriage.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the following sections be
added to the article forty-five, relating to husband
and wife, viz. :
SECTION 31. No husband shall hereafter be liable
in any manner for any debts of his wife contracted,
Who is liable
or for any claims or demands against her arising
prior to marriage, but she and her property shall
remain liable therefor in the same manner as if the
marriage had not taken place.
SEC. 32. Proceedings at law or in equity, accord-
How opeia-
ing to the nature of such debts, claims or demands,
may be taken against such married woman, not-
withstanding her coverture in her married name,
joining her husband therein as a defendant ; but no