by his own oath or other sufficient proof that he is
Satisfy by
a citizen of said county, and shall pay to said clerk
oath or proof
the Bum of one dollar, to be paid by said clerk to
the County Commissioners of Worcester county, to
be expended in the procuring of seed oysters to be
planted in said bay as the commissioners aforesaid
may direct; but no person licensed as above, nor any
other person, shall take or remove any oysters from
the waters of said bay or its tributaries on any Sunday
or in the night at any season, nor during the day from
the first day of May to the first day of September,
or any shells from the natural rocks at any time ;
provided that nothing herein shall be construed to
How con-
forbid any person from taking or catching his or her
own planted oysters at any time and with any kind
of instrument, and any person violating any of the
provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor, and upon indictment and conviction there-
for, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than
fifty dollars for each offence, with costs.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful
for any citizen of Worcester county to stake off, not
Plant and
exceeding five acres in any one place in the waters
lay down oys-
of Synepuxent bay and its tributaries, except upon
the natural rocks of said bay and its tributaries, and
to plant and lay down oysters in said waters so
staked off; and that no person except the owner of
said planted or laid down oysters, or his employee,
Marked by
shall work upon or among said oysters, or in the
stakes, &c
waters so staked off; provided that, that portion of
the said waters in which oysters are, or are intended
to be planted or laid down not exceeding five acres
in any one place, be kept plainly marked by means
of bushes, stakes or buoys; and any person wilfully
or maliciously removing said bushes, stakes or buoys,
shall be liable to all the penalties of this section ; and
provided further, that nothing in this section shall
affect the rights of owners of land to the exclusive
use of any creek, cove or inlet within their said lands,
not exceeding one hundred yards in width at its
mouth; and any person violating the provisions of
Fine for vio-
this section, or any of them, shall be liable to be sued
as for damages to any other property, and also to
indictment by the grand jury of said county, and
upon conviction for any such violation shall be fined