AN ACT to authorize the Register of Wills of Wi-
comico county to make and keep an accurate and
complete index of all records in his office.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Register of Wills of
Wicomico county be and he is hereby authorized
Procure in-
to procure two large index books, one to be known
dex books.
as " Index to Guardianships," and the other as " In-
dex to Administrations," in the former of which
books he shall enter and record, in alphabetical or-
der, the names of all guardians, wards, dates of
guardianships, penalty of each guardian bond, names
of the sureties on the same, date of each guardian
account, and the date of the filing of the receipt
and release of guardian from each ward, in each and
every case ; and in the other book he shall enter and
record the name of each administrator or executor,
the name of each surety on each and every bond,
penalty of said bond, name of decedent, date of ad-
ministration, date of the passage of each adminis-
tration account, and date of each distribution ; and
the provisions of this act shall refer to and include
What to in-
all previous administrations and guardianships, as
well as all orders referring thereto, as also, all others
hereafter to occur.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said register
of wills shall receive for making said entries, in
Fees allowed
cases hereafter to occur, only such fees as are now
allowed by law for docket entries to register of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for preparing,
entering and indexing the guardianships and ad-
ministrations now remaining in said office, as re-
quired in section one, the said register of wills shall
receive a sum of money not exceeding three hundred
Levy to pay
dollars, to be hereafter agreed upon by and between
the said register of wills and the board of county
commissioners for said county, which sum of money,
when agreed upon, together with the cost of pur-
chasing the said index books, shall be levied by