AN ACT to repeal sections one and two of article
forty of the Code of Public General Laws of this
State, title " Fines and Forfeitures," and to enact
a new section in the place of said two sections so
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That sections one and two of
article forty of the Code of Public General Laws of
Repealed and
this State, title " Fines and Forfeitures," be and the
enacted in
same are hereby repealed, and that the following
section be and the same is hereby enacted in lieu of
the two sections so repealed :
1. When any fine or penalty is imposed by any
act of assembly of this State, or by any ordinance
Deemed a
of any incorporated city or town in this State, en-
criminal o f-
acted in pursuance of sufficient authority for the
doing of any act forbidden to be done by such act
of assembly or ordinance, or for omitting to do any
act required to be done by such act of assembly or
ordinance, the doing of such act, or the omission to
do such act, shall be deemed to be a criminal offence ;
such offence in the city of Baltimore shall be prose-
How prose-
cuted by the arrest of the offender for such offence,
and by holding him to appear in or committing him
for trial in the Criminal Court of Baltimore at the
Saturday sessions of siid court, which said court
shall have jurisdiction in the said cases, and shall
proceed to try or dispose of the same in the same
manner as other criminal cases triable at the Satur-
day sessions of said court may be tried or proceeded
with, or disposed of, or such offence may be pros-
ecuted by indictment in such court ; such offences
in any county of this State shall be prosecuted by
the arrest of the offender for such offence, and by
holding him to bail to appear in or committing him
for trial in the Circuit Court for the county in which
such offence was committed, or by indictment in
the Circuit Court for such county for such offence.
If any person shall be adjudged guilty of any such
offence by any court having jurisdiction in the prem-
Sentenced to